Industry Leaders

Wessex Archaeology is the industry leader in terms of quality, innovation, reliability and delivery, with the largest capacity to support our diverse clients. We combine academic and technical rigour with a highly practical focus on helping our clients understand and manage heritage. Our clients include developers, consultants, national curators, national museums, government bodies and local communities. 

Wessex Archaeology provides the full-range of archaeology and cultural heritage services relevant to the marine environment and associated marine planning systems; comprising coastal, intertidal, nearshore (within 12 nm), and offshore. We have full service capabilities in UK, European and international waters; working on projects around the world. 

Intertidal survey A diver holding the Wessex Archaeology logo Geophysical survey

Wessex Archaeology is a Registered Organisation with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, and the Coastal & Marine team upholds the Codes of Conduct and required high standard of archaeological practice in delivery of our commercial and research services.

Our work supports different marine sectors, from the very largest international projects, eg, offshore renewables, marine aggregates dredging, ports and harbours maintenance and development, to inter-connector cables, and more local commercial and community work.

Wealth of experience

The Coastal & Marine team have the very highest levels of experience, expertise and training, and excel at offering services that meet client needs. Our team of dedicated specialists study the archaeological and documentary evidence that tells the story of our now submerged prehistoric, seafaring, and aeronautical heritage. Our services are numerous, ranging from diving on ship, submarine and aircraft wrecks, to researching all facets of marine and maritime archaeology and heritage.

Marine specialist recording the HMS Victory Marine specialist recording wreck on the seabed

These services include, but are not limited to:

  • Marine development services:
  1. pre-application advice, scoping reports, desk-based assessments (DBAs), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Statement (ES), and Written Schemes of Investigation (WSIs); 
  2. post-consent support, including Retained Archaeologist Services
  3. implementation of Protocols for Archaeological Discoveries (PAD), and
  4. review of marine geophysical, geotechnical, and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) survey data.
  • Marine industry guidance and best-practice, including:
  1. the assessment of archaeological effects of the marine aggregate industry and offshore renewables industry; 
  2. implementing Protocols for Archaeological Discoveries (PADs); 
  3. the Marine Antiquities Scheme (MAS);
  4. model clauses for WSIs; and
  5. the assessment and management of marine archaeology in ports and harbours

Wessex Archaeology’s Coastal & Marine team’s work encompasses a very wide range of themes – whether it is:

  • undertaking strategic studies; studying the shipwright’s timber marks on HMS Victory;
  • researching the maritime past of the west coast of Scotland through community engagement and knowledge sourcing; 
  • researching and sharing the story behind the loss of the First World War troop ship SS Mendi; or, 
  • undertaking work to support marine development…

…our proactive, targeted and cost-effective approach provides demonstrable added-value, positive public benefit and engagement, and facilitates sustainable development and knowledge transfer on behalf of, and in partnership with, our clients.

Strategic Studies

Marine & Maritime Heritage Research

Stakeholder & Community Engagement

Historic Vessel Conservation Management

Marine and Maritime Heritage Conservation Management

Analysis of Wreck Remains and Artefacts

Contact our team today

+44 1722 326867

+44 1722 326867
Dan Atkinson

Get in touch

Contact Dan Atkinson, Director Coastal & Marine and Scotland

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